
  • Type Wine: White
  • Alcohol Grade: 12.50º
  • Litrage: 0.750 l.
  • Country: 1
  • Year: 2016
  • Developer: Bodega Porcellanic


Vino apto para Veganos SIN SULFITOS AÑADIDOS Cata: Flores blancas, pera madura, almíbar, espliego, orejones En nariz: Es fresco, intenso en la complejidad de las flores del bosque. En boca: Es elegante, largo con un buen regusto. Es un vino para disfrutar los próximos diez años. Recomendación Gastronómica Perfecto para acompañar: Magret de pato y pescado a la brasa.


Name Porcellanic Orangebi
Winery Bodega Porcellanic
Type Wine White
Alcohol Grade 12.50º
Litrage Bodega Porcellanic l.
Country Spain
Year 0.750


Natural Ecological Wines made by the Permaculture system. We treat the vineyards like a forest to maintain the biodiversity of the environment. This wine does not contain sulphites.

We work with permaculture, our cultivation system is what marks the quality and originality of our wines.

The quality of the land influences the wine, but what is really decisive is the cultivation system and always prioritizing quality over quantity.

We treat our vines with minimal intervention, we do not apply anything that we can eat, such as buttermilk and all kinds of plants that help us fight pests and fungi.

Our wines are on the menus of the best restaurants in the world, such as El Celler de Can Roca, which sponsored us with our sweet wine for desserts called "Làctics".

Our varieties are the following:

  • Porcellnic Spill
  • Porcellanic Merlot
  • Porcellanic Macabeu
  • Porcellanic Orangebi
  • Porcellanic Xarel·lo
  • Porcellanic Xarel·lo Sur-Lie
  • Porcellanic Vi dolç Natural
  • Porcellanic Espurnejant

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